Science & Services
“Scientific garbhsanskar” is a unique, scientifically researched program designed by our gynaecologist doctors, which is the only program worldwide exploring the combination of “ved and vigyan”, that is the Medical science and the Indian ancient science. According to modern medical science, 80% of a baby’s development including physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual; takes place in the mother’s womb. According to vedic science, in the pregnancy stage itself, you can most easily and effectively enrich your child with “sanskar”, that is values and virtues that last lifelong. This program is to mentor couples who are in their planning or pregnancy stage and to teach them all the different activities, their correct methods, along with explaining the science and research behind them, that one should do for the best and desired development of their child.
This program is easily implementable and mentors and supports you through the 9 months of your pregnancy. It comes with interactive live online/offline lectures with the duration of one hour each.
These lectures cover the following topics:
- Development process of the baby during the 9 months and the role of Garbhsanskar.
- Effect and importance of parents’ Thoughts, Actions, Emotions and Beliefs.
- Mind programming and effect of visualisation.
- Proper techniques of reading and GarbhSamvad
- Month wise music consumption and effect of prarthna (prayer) enchantment
- Garbhadhan Sanskar and preconception counselling
- Science of Simanto Nayan Sanskar and Sola Sanskar
- Intellectual quotient development
- Best development of the 5 senses
- Techniques of remaining stress-free during pregnancy
- Planning and pregnancy diet
- Antenatal care and myths analysis
- Guidance on all the Garbhsanskar activities and schedules.

Easy Delivery and New Born Care Program
Delivery is the most difficult journey for both, the mother and the baby. The physical and the mental trauma during the delivery has a huge impact on both of them. A child’s first emotions and experiences create a lifelong impact on the child’s behaviour. Nowadays the count of caesarean deliveries is also increasing, in such times our easy delivery and new born care program is here to help.
By joining our program, you can make your delivery a positive experience for the mother and the child, make your delivery a smooth and relaxed journey, decrease the chances of caesarean and avoid difficulties during the delivery, create a positive birth memory for your child, and strengthen the bond between the couple and the baby.
This program includes
Educational Sessions
- Process of delivery
- Preparation for the delivery
- Care during delivery
- Role of father and family during delivery
- Jatkarma sanskar
- Immediate care of the baby after birth
- Everything about breast feeding
- Basics of taking care of a new-born
- How to avoid birthing trauma and make birthing a pleasant experience for the baby
Activities Sessions
- Yoga for easy delivery
- Pranayama and meditation
- Mantra chanting
- Physiotherapy and exercise
- Visualisation and Affirmations
- Breathing technique
- Bearing down technique
- Special and personal hypnobirthing session

Diet Counseling according to Prakruti Parikshan
Prakruti is our body constitution, every individual is born with a definite genetic constitution, determined by dominant doshas (three vital energies), genetic & environmental factors, Food and lifestyle of the mother and the five elements (Panchamahabhuta) that make up a foetus.
Your Prakruti determines the physical functioning of the body and the mental and emotional behavioural patterns. There are seven different prakriti (constitution) types: Vata Prakriti, Pitta Prakriti, Kapha Prakriti, Vata-Pitta Prakriti, Vata-Kapha Prakriti, Pitta-Kapha Prakriti, Tridosha Prakriti
“prakruti parikshan” is a simple test to determine your unique psychosomatic temperament, i.e., your prakruti. According to your prakruti a customised diet chart is prepared for the welfare of the mother and the child.

Peaceful and Practical Parenting Program
Parenting or child rearing is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from childhood to adulthood. Parenting refers to the complexities of raising a child, rather than just a biological relationship.
This is India’s first Practical Guidance Program for parents which includes more than 80 videos covering the following topics:
- Nurturing your child’s habits
- Age-wise child psychology
- Style of parenting
- Understanding a child’s emotions.
- Learning to respond, rather than reacting
- Proper way of punishment
- Ways to create a self-dependent child.
- Development of higher self-esteem and creating positive self-identity
- Programming the child’s mind for value and well behaviour.
- How to create an emotional bond with your child.
- Identification of learning method (AVK)
- Development of a balanced personality of the child.
- Practical Tips for peaceful parenting

Holistic Toddler Development Program
According to medical science, 95% of a human’s development is completed before its childhood, that is 80% in the womb and 15% during its early childhood, that is from age 1-4.
It this age the development of small muscles, hand-eye coordination ability, grasping power, emotional balance, new object recognition ability, language understanding, confidence building, etc is at the fastest pace.
This program is for toddlers (kids from age 1-4) and their parents. In this program we conduct live online/offline lectures and provide you with more than 45 Videos covering the following topics:
- Toddler psychology
- Toddler development
- Tricks to tackle your toddler
- Toddler diet
- Toddler Habit development
- Practical tips for parenting
- Audio, Visual, Kinaesthetic learning methods
- Teaching toddler through flashcards
- Toddler personality building & creating a balanced personality
- Development of spiritual quotient
- Subconscious parenting

We conduct live online interactive Activity sessions for parents & toddlers (Every Sunday of the month)
These sessions are for Toddler’s overall development which includes
- Gross motor and Small motor skills
- Right Brain, Left Brain, and Mid Brain
- Mindfulness
- Sharing & Spirituality development
- Shape, size and colour recognition
- Hand- eye coordination development
- 5 senses development