What is Morning Sickness? :
Morning sickness usually peaks around week 9 and gets better by week 16, though some women feel sick throughout pregnancy. The exact causes are still unclear, but fast increases in estrogen and hCG likely contribute by slowing digestion and making you throw up more easily.
How Hormones Contribute :
Rising progesterone also relaxes muscles, including the stomach valves that keep food down. These hormone surges unfortunately happen when blood sugar is low and sense of smell is high in the morning, making nausea worse.
A Holistic Approach :
While certain supplements can provide some relief, Scientific Garbhsanskar goes further. Its holistic methods aim to balance the mind and body to prevent morning sickness from happening. This includes yoga, meditation, chanting, picturing positive images, breathing exercises, aromatherapy, proper nutrition, positive thinking, and more.
Try Meditation :
For example, Scientific Garbhsanskar recommends meditating daily to reduce pregnancy-related nausea. Simple breathing practices bring calm and decrease stress hormones that cause symptoms. Starting each morning with short meditation prevents morning sickness from taking over.
Chant Mantras :
Chanting mantras out loud or in your mind is said to balance hormones during pregnancy too. Repeating “garbham drainamasmi shantih, shantih, shantih” invites tranquility for mother and baby. Letting positive sound energy flow over you starts the day peacefully.
Visualization :
In Scientific Garbhsanskar, picturing positive images is another powerful tool. Imagining the body and baby as strong and healthy sends signals to the brain that get reflected in actual physiology. Daily picturing an easy first trimester prevents morning sickness.
Do Yoga :
Additionally, Scientific Garbhsanskar suggests prenatal yoga poses to help digestion and blood flow. Gentle twists, knee to chest postures, cat/cows, and pelvic tilts gently stimulate abdominal organs. A short flow first thing in the morning gets energy and nutrients moving.
Use Aromatherapy :
Using certain essential oils is also recommended, as their natural smells signal relaxation. Diluting peppermint, lemon, ginger, or lavender oil and inhaling deeply reduces queasiness. Applying diluted oils near pressure points also helps.
Eat Small, Frequent Meals :
Eating small frequent meals of bland, healthy foods is ideal in Scientific Garbhsanskar. Don’t let hunger happen, which dips blood sugar and increases nausea. Choose foods that are easy to digest. Stay hydrated with electrolyte drinks too.
Positive Affirmations :
Finally, Scientific Garbhsanskar recommends using positive thinking to have an easy pregnancy. Repeating good thoughts trains the mind and body to prevent morning sickness.
Summary :
In summary, Scientific Garbhsanskar provides natural remedies that address morning sickness at the root. Its techniques help stabilize digestion, blood sugar, hormones, oxygen, and mindset to prevent nausea. When expecting mothers integrate these practices into their routine, they can reduce awful morning sickness.
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