Holistic Toddler Development

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Holistic Toddler Development

Original price was: ₹9,900.00.Current price is: ₹2,950.00.

According to medical science, 95% of a human’s development is completed before its childhood, that is 80% in the womb and 15% during its early childhood, that is from age 1-4.

It this age the development of small muscles, hand-eye coordination ability, grasping power, emotional balance, new object recognition ability, language understanding, confidence building, etc is at the fastest pace.

This program is for toddlers (kids from age 1-4) and their parents.

It Includes
More than 45 Videos covering the following topics:

  • Toddler psychology
  • Toddler development
  • Tricks to tackle your toddler
  • Toddler diet
  • Toddler Habit development
  • Practical tips for parenting
  • Audio, Visual, Kinaesthetic learning methods
  • Teaching toddler through flashcards
  • Toddler personality building & creating a balanced personality
  • Development of spiritual quotient
  • Subconscious parenting

6 live interactive Activity sessions for parents & toddlers.
These sessions are for Toddler’s overall development which includes

  • Gross motor and Small motor skills
  • Right Brain, Left Brain, and Mid Brain
  • Mindfulness
  • Sharing & Spirituality development
  • Shape, size and color recognition
  • Hand- eye coordination development
  • 5 senses development

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