Scientific Garbhsanskar Gold Membership

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Scientific Garbhsanskar Gold Membership

Original price was: ₹200,000.00.Current price is: ₹29,900.00.


Our “Scientific GarbhsanskarTM” program is a unique offering for expectant couples and those planning pregnancy. Developed by expert gynecologists, it’s the only program worldwide that combines modern medical science with ancient Indian wisdom. Medical research shows that 80% of a baby’s overall development happens in the womb, including physical, mental, emotional, and intellectual growth. Our program teaches you how to make the most of this crucial time, guiding you through various activities and their correct methods. We explain the science behind each practice, helping you understand how to positively influence your baby’s development. By blending traditional values with scientific insights, we empower you to give your child the best possible start in life. Join us to learn how you can nurture your baby’s potential from the very beginning, setting the foundation for a lifetime of growth and well-being.

This program is easily implementable and mentors and supports you through the 9 months of your pregnancy.

It Includes

2 Day Online Scientific Garbhsanskar Advance Program Workshop.
These lectures cover the following topics:

  • Development process of the baby during the 9 months and the role of Garbhsanskar.
  • Effect and importance of parents’ Thoughts, Actions, Emotions and Beliefs.
  • Mind programming and effect of visualisation.
  • Proper techniques of reading and GarbhSamvad
  • Month wise music consumption and effect of prarthna (prayer) enchantment
  • Garbhadhan Sanskar and preconception counselling
  • Science of Simanto Nayan Sanskar and Sola Sanskar
  • Intellectual quotient development
  • Best development of the 5 senses
  • Techniques of remaining stress-free during pregnancy
  • Planning and pregnancy diet
  • Antenatal care and myths analysis
  • Guidance on all the Garbhsanskar activities and schedules.


Tathhastu Bless Pregnancy App Premium Version

Scientific GarbhsanskarTM Activity sessions (12 sessions – weekly one session for two hours)

  • Yoga
  • Pranayama
  • Exercises
  • Meditation
  • Music for pregnancy
  • Language development activities
  • Right brain (creative) and left brain (logical) development activities
  • 5 senses development activities
  • Garbhdhyan
  • Garbhsamvad
  • Visualisation techniques
    and many more.

Scientific GarbhsanskarTM pregnancy personal counselling

Prakruti Parikshan and Diet chart counselling as per your Prakruti result

Whatsapp group support and mentoring

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