Scientific Garbhsanskar Activity Session

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Scientific Garbhsanskar Activity Session

Original price was: ₹12,900.00.Current price is: ₹4,490.00.

Scientific GarbhsanskarTM activity sessions encourage and motivate you to perform and practice certain activities for the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual growth of the baby. These are weekly live sessions (preferably on Sunday mornings) of duration of 2 hours where all the parents come along to implement and enjoy the knowledge and the process of Garbhsanskar, under the guidance of our mentors.

It Includes
12 online activities sessions which include

  • Yoga
  • Pranayama
  • Exercises
  • Meditation
  • Music for pregnancy
  • Language development activities
  • Right brain (creative) and left brain (logical) development activities
  • 5 senses development activities
  • Garbhdhyan
  • Garbhsamvad
  • Visualisation techniques
    and many more.

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