Easy Delivery and New Born Care

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Easy Delivery and New Born Care

Original price was: ₹9,900.00.Current price is: ₹2,990.00.


Delivery is the most difficult journey for both, the mother and the baby. The physical and the mental trauma during the delivery has a huge impact on both of them. A child’s first emotions and experiences create a lifelong impact on the child’s behaviour. Nowadays the count of caesarean deliveries is also increasing, in such times our easy delivery and new born care program is here to help.

By joining our program, you can make your delivery a positive experience for the mother and the child, make your delivery a smooth and relaxed journey, decrease the chances of caesarean and avoid difficulties during the delivery, create a positive birth memory for your child, and strengthen the bond between the couple and the baby.

This program includes educational sessions on

  • Process of delivery
  • Preparation for the delivery
  • Care during delivery
  • Role of father and family during delivery
  • Jatkarma sanskar
  • Immediate care of the baby after birth
  • Everything about breast feeding
  • Basics of taking care of a new-born
  • How to avoid birthing trauma and make birthing a pleasant experience for the baby
  • Tricks and techniques of new born development in all 5 quotient (PQ, IQ, EQ, SQ, SQ)

This program includes the following activities

  • Yoga for easy delivery
  • Pranayama and meditation
  • Mantra chanting
  • Physiotherapy and exercise
  • Visualisation and Affirmations
  • Breathing technique
  • Bearing down technique
  • Special and personal hypnobirthing sessions
  • Baby Massage Techniques

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